Thanks, we got your API keys, and you will be connected to our algorithm in under 24 hrs. Once the connection has been successfully implemented, our team will email you, and you will see trades flowing through your exchange.
Trading Machine AI and its team members are not registered as financial advisors and hold no formal qualifications to give financial advice. Everything that is provided on this server, on the TradingMachine.AI website, and its team members is purely for educational purposes only. TradingMachine.AI and its team members are not accountable or liable for any losses or damages. You are responsible for all the risks you take. Any content provided here should not be construed as financial advice.
Fee Disclosure-- Trading Machine's fee is simply a monthly subscription of $79/mo beginning after the 7-day trial. That's it. There are no hidden fees or other fees.
Risk Disclosure -- Any investment or trading strategy has some level of risk, even if it's very close to zero. The best way to use our platform is to stick with it for at least 3 months so you can see its full potential. But if you liquidate trades or cancel during the trial period, there's a slight risk you could lose money.